Green River College
Green River College is a public college committed to educating students in southern King County and beyond. Students from all over the world come to the community college to benefit from its more than 40 programs. The college offers transfer degrees, bachelor of applied science degrees, and technical certificates. Additionally,
Green River College offers continuing education classes, and pre-college and basic skills courses.

Convenient to Ten Trails
The main campus of Green River College is located in nearby Auburn. Set in the midst of a sprawling 180-acres of forested land, the beautiful campus features modern architecture and a number of forested walking paths for students and visitors to enjoy. Branch campuses of the community college are located Kent, Enumclaw, as well as downtown Auburn. Residents of
Ten Trails who are looking to expand their education will have convenient to the college's main campus which is located just a short drive away. In addition, the Enumclaw campus is only nine miles from
Ten Trails, while the Kent and Auburn campuses are just 13 miles away.
Classes for Enumclaw High School Students
Ten Trails residents who attend Enumclaw high school can further improve their goals of receiving a college degree through the college's
"Running Start" program. This unique program allows high school juniors and seniors to take tuition-free college courses at GRC to earn high school and college credit simultaneously!
Online Classes Available
Finally, Green River College offers hundreds of online classes. Because Ten Trails residents are fortunate enough to have 1-gigabyte of internet speed included in each and every home, they can have easy access to all of GRC's online classes without leaving the comfort of their new Ten Trails home.
For more information, visit the Green River College website at