Head to Local Pick-Your-Own Blueberry Farms this Summer
A visit to a local u-pick blueberry farm is a great summertime activity for the entire family! Get outside, learn about plants and farming while bringing home nutritious berries for the whole family to enjoy. There are many farms within easy driving distance to Ten Trails that offer pick-your-own options throughout the summer. Here are a few to consider visiting:
Canter-Berry Farms
Canter-Berry Farms is a small, family-owned farm that has been in operation with one family since 1954. The farm once sold blueberries at Pike Place Market where they were famous with customers for their quality. These days, the family only grows blueberries for the u-pick season. Located just southeast of Auburn in the upper Green River Valley, Canter-Berry Farms is just around the corner from Ten Trails. For updates on when blueberries will be available for picking for the 2021 season, visit the
farm’s Facebook page.

Blue Dot Farm
Located a few miles north of Enumclaw on SE 416
th Street, Blue Dot Farm has over 500 plants with sixteen varieties of blueberries that ripen throughout the summer months. Some of these varieties produce the largest blueberries available in the country. For details on planning a visit to the farm this season,
check out their website.

The Rusty Plow
The Rusty Plow Farm also offers u-pick blueberries with five main varieties at the farm, each with its own unique flavor and qualities. The Rusty Plow Farm is family-friendly, and great place to bring kids for an afternoon of blueberry-picking. Located in nearby Enumclaw, the farm is just a short drive from Ten Trails.