Tips for Working From Home
Many American workers have switched from daily commutes to the office to working from home some or part of the time. With predictions that many businesses may adopt a part-time
work-from-home policy even after the pandemic, it is more important than ever to follow some key guidelines to work from home productively.
Start the Day Right
You will have a better experience all day at work if you start the day off on the right foot by doing a few simple things. First, make your bed to immediately set the tone for the day. Next, get dressed in clothes you would normally wear to work in your office, rather than lounge wear. Being dressed for the task at hand can help to promote a sense that you are engaged in work, rather than leisure. Finally, sit down and write a task list of what you need and want to accomplish for that day. That list will keep you focused throughout the day on the most immediate priorities.
Enjoy One-Gig Speed Internet to Work from Your Ten Trails Home
At Ten Trails, workers who can work from home can take advantage of the community’s
one-gig speed internet to smoothly navigate video calls and work online. Provided by
Wave, the community’s internet is some of the fastest available in the Seattle area with downloads and uploads at up to 1,000 Mbps.
Set Aside Space in Your Home Just for Work
If you have space in your home, set aside an area that is solely dedicated to workspace—even if that is just during the daytime hours. Having a dedicated workspace will keep your work items organized and help you shift your focus to work tasks at hand, rather than being distracted from the larger home around you.